

SMP LeaderTalks

#24 | Beyond budgets and rigid traditions

16. March 2023

Georgiy Michailov meets Prof. Dr. Franz Röösli

55 Min

If you look into many German companies, you will see a lot of entrenched traditions, rigid processes and a "we've always done it that way" mentality hovering over everything. Progress is nowhere to be found. No wonder that even in management, the "command & control" philosophy is still followed. What may have been progressive in the past is now outdated and no longer the measure of all things. Why? Because in plain language it means: regulations, control, strict hierarchies and top-down decisions. That's exactly how you can't lead in today's VUKA world. And yet this is the reality in too many companies.

If you want something to change, you have to take action yourself. That is exactly what our guest did in the current LeaderTalk. He has not only helped to develop a more modern alternative, but also a better one. Prof. Dr. Franz Röösli and his co-authors have created an adaptive leadership model based on 12 principles. From practice for practice. And that is exactly why his model is so effective. He talks to Georgiy Michailov, Managing Partner at Struktur Management Partner, about exactly what makes this model stand out. The two discuss topics such as the right understanding of values, talk about how decisive the right choice of personnel and trust in employees is. But they also talk about what is behind Beyond Budgeting and why one should urgently turn away from the classic annual planning process. Röösli also reveals why the right irritations are definitely a sign of modern leadership.

*Video only in German

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