


We don’t do anything
extraordinary. Just the
right thing. But we do that
extraordinarily well.

We don’t promise. We deliver. For over 40 years.

From a pioneer in turnaround management to one of Germany's most distinguished consulting firms for the high-end German SME sector. Today, we successfully set standards for effective transformation, successful restructuring, digital performance, resilience and growth-based turnaround. Whenever it’s serious – or the intention is serious – our team of 100 some consultants stand by their respective clients with a unique, value-oriented mindset, own business model methodology and proven strength in implementation. The result: maximum payback, a current recommendation rate of 98 percent and multiple awards for "Best Consultants" in the German SME sector or for "Consultant of the Year".

Value-aware and value-enhancing

Creating value is our goal. And that’s why we look to develop the strengths of both our clients and staff.

Our core competency: rapidly identifying and effectively working the levers to generate value. Our success rate with highly demanding transformations exceeds 90%.

Taking charge for rapid results

On a mission: to deliver a rapid, lasting turnaround for companies in trouble. Return on investment generally reached within twelve weeks.

Good at what we do, yet constantly striving to become even better. As turnaround pioneer, performance manager, top consultant for SMEs and digitalisation expert, we are a leading firm, competing with the best at all times and never standstill.

Partnership-based and customer-oriented

We believe that thinking and acting in partnership is not only of long-term benefit. In fact, our effective implementation management relies on the consistent involvement of all personalities relevant to the company’s success right from the start. Where others promise proximity to the client, we make up to 30% of our fee dependent on actual customer satisfaction.

We are the only consulting firm that does not attempt to control or prescribe the turnover of partners and employees Our rewards are team success and the maximisation of customer satisfaction.

The consequence: The recommendation rate of our clients is 98%.

Holistic and effective

Truly sustainable gains in corporate performance are not made by making lots of little adjustments. The crucial thing instead is to keep the bigger picture ever in mind, i.e. the overall business model, in actively leading the transformation in pursuit of operational and strategic excellence.
We are consultants for entrepreneurs. We combine methodological competence with management experience. This means: That every project we take on is personally looked after operationally by two partners.

Responsible and sustainable

Our holistic approach extends beyond projects, encompassing values of ecological and social responsibility, which are to be reflected in our actions. It’s a fundamental mindset for us, evidenced by the social projects Structure Management Partner has engaged in for over 25 years now. In recent years we have provided nearly half a million euros in support of initiatives to aid needy and gravely ill children, as well as for emergency medical care and hunger and disaster relief. Based on a carbon footprint statement we had prepared for our organisation we have taken steps to offset our CO2 emissions, which have kept us completely climate-neutral since 2019.

Because we think differently.
And take action.
From the very beginning.

When Struktur Management Partner began, there was the belief that successful consulting not only could look different, but must in fact look different in order to be truly successful in the long run. In order to achieve something better, we deliberately chose paths that were different. At a time when others were flirting with the shark culture, we deliberately put the emphasis on partnership. Both internally and externally. As a pioneer of the turnaround, we have never seen restructuring as a means of short-term profit maximisation, but as an opportunity for entrepreneurial growth. Success has proven us right. And spurred us on to become even better. By extending our methodological expertise, by continuously expanding our industry know-how, through our digital mindset and increased team spirit. Where others cherish their monopoly of knowledge as consultants, we cultivate the culture of shared success.

“Our partners and staff are committed solely to client success, which means that our activities are not revenue-driven, but success-driven (= added value for the client).”

(Dietmar Buchfink)

“We were and are the pioneers of turnaround management in Germany. If in the early 1980s it was our Performance Management System methodology that revolutionised the market, today it is our value-added business model approach and our SMP7 implementation methodology that make all the difference.”

(Marc-René Faerber)

“We enjoy the highest level of confidence on the part of our stakeholders, especially among family businesses, who effectively define German SMEs.”

(Konrad Fröhlich)

“In times of upheaval, we don’t build castles in the air for our clients, but instead rely on concepts that are based on the specific strengths of the company and enable it to sustain profitable business operations in the long term.”

(Georgiy Michailov)

SMP – the team

Get to know us properly.


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Dietmar Buchfink Managing Partner Technical Diploma in Business Studies

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Marc-René Faerber Managing Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering, EMCCC (Insead)

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Georgiy Michailov Managing Partner Diploma in Economics, B.M. (TSUoE)

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