

Our first rule
of business:
Take everything personally.

We are “Struktur Management Partner”.

With a clear focus on the “partners”. Proximity to our clients is important to us – spatially, professionally and also on a human level. We are on site when you need us. And gladly also on the shop floor. We know your issues well and have the right expert for almost any entrepreneurial situation. Above all, we understand not only our business, but our business partners. And because we really take your concerns personally, every project is looked after by two partners.

Learn more about our management team by clicking on the individual person.

Our partners and staff come from all sorts of different disciplines. All these creative minds have followed different paths in life. The very diversity of their characters and experiences is a factor in our success.

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Dietmar Buchfink

Managing Partner Technical Diploma in Business Studies Expert for Corporate Finance and Management of Complex Projects

See profile page
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Marc-René Faerber

Managing Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering EMCCC (Insead) Expert for Operations and Leadership

See profile page
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Georgiy Michailov

Managing Partner Diploma in Economics, B.M. (TSUoE) Expert for Growth Management and Value-Creating

See profile page
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Konrad Fröhlich

Senior Partner Attorney-at-Law Corporate Finance and Sustainable Concepts for Family Businesses

See profile page
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Monika Dussen

Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering Expert for Operations and Leadership

See profile page
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Jessica Hirsch

Partner Diploma in Business Administration Expert for Corporate Finance and the Advising of Family Businesses

See profile page
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Heinrich Judt

Partner Diploma in Business Studies Expert for Implementation Management and Management of Complex Projects

See profile page
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Benjamin Klenk

Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering Expert for E-Commerce and Digital Transformation Programmes

See profile page
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Jan Rodig

Partner Diploma in Business Studies Expert for Digital Transformation and New Business Models

See profile page
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Tobias Seybold

Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering Expert for Financial Restructuring and Management of Complex Projects

See profile page
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Janis Steinfort

Partner M. Sc. & M.A. Expert in Data Analytics

See profile page
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David Südi

Partner Diploma in Economics Expert for Value-Creating Performance Programs and Corporate Finance

See profile page
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Dr. Hans-Joachim Grabow

Senior Advisor Diploma in Business Studies, MSc EMCCC (Insead) Expert for Strategy, Change and Implementation Management

See profile page
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Florian Gläsner

Principal Diploma in Business Administration and Industrial Engineering Expert in Value Enhancement Programmes, Project and Implementation Management

See profile page
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Oliver Krumm

Principal M. Sc. Expert in Change and Organisational Design

See profile page
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Benjamin Niethammer

Principal Diploma in Business Administration and Industrial Engineering Expert in Implementation Management

See profile page
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Alexander Witt

Principal M. Sc. Business Administration Principal

See profile page

We are present throughout Germany. What sets us apart is not only our regional connection and affinity, but also our intensive contact with the client on site.

So where can we help you?


Konrad Fröhlich
Senior Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Carolin Möller
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 32
E-Mail Mrs Möller


Dr. Hans-Joachim Grabow
Senior Advisor

To profile

Secretariat: Stefanie Jung
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 70
E-Mail Mrs Jung



Marc-René Faerber
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Michaela Volkhardt
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 57
E-Mail Mrs Volkhardt


Georgiy Michailov
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Dorrit Haukamp
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 15
E-Mail Mrs Haukamp



Monika Dussen

To profile

Secretariat: Martina Weifenbach
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 63
E-Mail Mrs Weifenbach


Konrad Fröhlich
Senior Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Carolin Möller
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 32
E-Mail Mrs Möller



Konrad Fröhlich
Senior Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Carolin Möller
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 32
E-Mail Mrs Möller


David Südi

To profile

Secretariat: Alexandra Neuls
Phone: +49 (0)221 91 27 30 - 38
E-Mail Mrs Neuls



Dietmar Buchfink
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Carolin Möller
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 32
E-Mail Mrs Möller


Marc-René Faerber
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Michaela Volkhardt
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 57
E-Mail Mrs Volkhardt


Georgiy Michailov
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Dorrit Haukamp
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 15
E-Mail Mrs Haukamp


Jan Rodig

To profile

Secretariat: Martina Weifenbach
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 63
E-Mail Mrs Weifenbach


Marc-René Faerber
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Michaela Volkhardt
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 57
E-Mail Mrs Volkhardt


Heinrich Judt

To profile

Secretariat: Stefanie Jung
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 70
E-Mail Mrs Jung


Georgiy Michailov
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Dorrit Haukamp
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 15
E-Mail Mrs Haukamp


Jan Rodig

To profile

Secretariat: Martina Weifenbach
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 63
E-Mail Mrs Weifenbach



Marc-René Faerber
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Michaela Volkhardt
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 57
E-Mail Mrs Volkhardt


Georgiy Michailov
Managing Partner

To profile

Secretariat: Dorrit Haukamp
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 15
E-Mail Mrs Haukamp


Jan Rodig

To profile

Secretariat: Martina Weifenbach
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 91 27 30 - 63
E-Mail Mrs Weifenbach